
30% email revenue in less than 2 months:

30% email revenue in less
than 2 months:


BabyMocs, Europe’s first vegan children’s shoe brand from Sweden, is on a mission for a sustainable future. Launched in 2018, their shoes, made from 🌱🍍♻️, combat global warming, ensuring every step of our children is a stride towards a greener planet. Beyond fashion, BabyMocs champions societal change, reintegrating homeless individuals through micro-jobs.

By choosing BabyMocs, customers join a movement for a brighter, kinder world for the next generation.


While BabyMocs boasted an extensive subscriber list they didn’t have automated processes, they hardly saw any profit from their campaigns, indicating significant untapped revenue.

The emails BabyMocs sent out had impressively high open rates due to excessive list segmentation, hinting at potential unrealized earnings. Moreover, their campaigns lacked consistency and were sporadic.

Furthermore, BabyMocs overlooked several crucial email sequences, especially those aligned with their business strategy. The sequences they didn’t have led them to lackluster performance and inferior quality.


  • Boost revenue from campaigns by refining email list segmentation for improved recipient targeting, open rates, and click-through rates.
  • Enhance opt-in forms to elevate conversion rates from store visitors to list subscriptions.
  • Broaden the customer experience with new behavior-driven automation.
  • Build automated sequences.

Email Design

We always kick off with an elegantly crafted email template featuring a captivating header that merges exceptional visual aesthetics, compelling copy, and a distinct call to action for BabyMocs.

The concise yet powerful content, penned by our seasoned copywriters, resonates with consumers while preserving BabyMocs’ authentic voice.

For subsequent sections, we’ve innovatively integrated product links through bespoke graphics, veering away from the typical image-button design.

To conclude, we consistently employ tailored copywriting, eschewing generic sign-offs, to give a personal touch from the founders.

The Solution: Campaigns

ROI Test

We kicked things off with an ROI test campaign, introducing an offer to gauge the profitability across our entire email list.

This insight shaped our strategy for subsequent campaigns, allowing us to cover as much of our list as we could while keeping engagement strong.

Newsletter The
New Sunglasses – Halloween Promo



The culmination of our strategy involved a total creation of workflows for BabyMocs. Not only did we make the fundamental flows, but we also introduced unique ones like the “Expected to Purchase” flow. This zeroes in on customers when they’re poised to make another purchase. These reimagined and fresh flows significantly surpassed the client’s prior efforts.


Expected Purchase


Browse Abandonment


Abandoned Cart Shopify

Before Working
With Us

$ 1,545

Revenue From Klaviyo (3%)

$ 123

Flow Revenue

$ 1,422

Campaign Revenue (0%)

Results after
working with us

$ 84,267

Revenue from Klaviyo

$ 32,685

Flow Revenue

$ 51,582

Campaign Revenue

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers

Mail-Aid caters to enterprising DTC brands weary of subpar performance in their marketing efforts. You’re at the right destination if you seek to optimize every dollar of ad expenditure, curtail expensive customer attrition, and unearth mounds of profit within your business from both fresh leads and those who’ve already shown interest.

Sure, you could attempt it, but let’s be realistic: you’re probably not performing your own heart surgery. And truth be told, you wouldn’t have come this far if you were. One of the rare regrets we hear from our clients is that they wish they had begun sooner with us. Our aim? To streamline your tasks and make your job a breeze

We admire your gusto! Although we’re fans of velocity, we’ve refined a process that emphasizes a unified strategy prior to launching. Our onboarding period typically spans 1 week, and we have the majority of campaigns ready to roll by the 3-4 week mark. Rest assured, the moment you start hearing that delightful ‘cha-ching’ of deposits flowing into your Business Checking, you’ll agree it was all worthwhile. Cha-ching!

Browse our vast array of metrics across diverse niches. During onboarding, we’ll delve into the heart of your business, establish success markers, and outline performance metrics that our team doesn’t just aim to meet, but annihilate.

Our clients typically witness a stunning 8.9x average ROES within the first month, and an impressive 18x after a year of collaboration with us, with email accounting for over 40%+ of their revenue

Maintaining your brand’s essence isn’t just important to us, it’s imperative. We’ve fine-tuned our onboarding process to ensure we craft content as if we were an integral part of your in-house team. For our process to yield maximum results swiftly (meaning more profits for you, quicker), we undertake complete creative development. This approach liberates your team members to concentrate on other pivotal projects for your business.

Indeed, we wholeheartedly endorse it. All our clients are integrated into a shared Slack channel with our account manager, who will serve as your readily accessible touchpoint throughout our collaboration.

We’ve cast our net wide across nearly every industry imaginable. Whether it’s retail, health supplements, outdoors, fitness, luxury items, subscription services, CBD, or even adult toys, we’ve got it covered. Having collaborated with more than 90+ brands, chances are, we’ve already dipped our toes into your specific niche.

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